Saturday 6 December 2014

Drawing Down the Moon - The problems with creative blocks.

 Problems with Energy flow and why.

Sometimes, I can get totally blocked with a painting, the energy does not flow or move in the right manner, so I have to put this to one side.   There are a few of these paintings, some have been waiting for years but I find that however hard I try, I just can't progress with them.

Because I tend to paint people from the inside out, rather than the other way around, if the subject is a person, I find that is usually due to some huge inner changes that are occurring at that time and I can't paint because there is more than one face to that person.  It would be unjust to keep painting that person, they are evolving another side to themselves and this needs to be accounted for before the painting can be completed.

Many of you may say, & I would agree, that a person is in constant change and flux anyway so what is the problem?  The issue usually stems from inner tensions and stress that occurs with change, the inner self does not shine through as clearly as it should & as a mirror of sorts, I do not wish to reflect that side back for it is just a situation that a person is coping with, whether positive or negative that can change a person from the inside, once this stress is clear, then a painting can be continued.

I am getting close to being able to start thinking of completing this painting, which I have put to one side for now, it will need changing again because the old facet has been put away whilst the new one has been born, created and is now shining through for all to see.

My work can also be viewed at:

Trac Davies - Artist © 


  1. She's beautiful. I can see her with long dark hair in contrast with the bright moon behind. Cath x

    1. she actually does have long, dark hair now but this painting was going through three states so I had to let it all settle, I will pick this one up again next year :D
