Wednesday 17 February 2016





A drop in the ocean, but when it falls
Does it hit the water with a massive splash?  
Does water cascade over its passage sealing the wound?
Do the ripples go on into infinity?
Or does it enter with hardly movement or sound?
Does it plummet down, stirring up the oceanic currents?
Will it get tangled in the seaweed?
Will it float gently to the bottom?
Will it bury itself into the ocean bed?
Or dissolve, vanishing into the turbulent waters.

Molten metal that cools as it falls
falling into debris as the artist works
hardly noticing its passage
Does it burn the sparse vegetation?
Does it leave a mark on the floor?

Or is is a drop of sweat that falls
as metal is worked into new and beautiful shapes?

A solitary raindrop
precedes any storm
whether mild or wild
whether it refreshes us
or destroys all in its path

A teardrop falls
Do you notice it?
Does you see the passage it leaves on a face?
When tears fall the light catches them 
they sparkle and shine
giving beauty to the sorrow or joy that is felt

We are all in a state of Freefall
Our bodies dance to our energies tune
We may twist & writhe
We may move with grace
or we may stomp
so often our outer dance does not portray what is within
So a stomper may feel grace where it is hidden
as I do
No words
only shapes
can convey these feelings
of Freefall.

Trac Davies ©

My work can also be viewed at:

Tracy Davies - Artist © 


  1. Lovely. I really like the part about the tear drop and its beauty.

  2. Thank you, I am not really a poet but I didn"'t have the words at the time for the feeling of Freefall, there might be another blog to come as this one will hopeflly unlock what is inside of me. :)

  3. If you have a paint brush you don't always need words. Paintings express things on a deeper level.

  4. Exactly, but words are as important as painting to me. When I was younger I would have sung about it too! :D
