Definition of the The Sacred Feminine & its Control by Other people that are not so Sacred!
Throughout my life, I have always felt the need to promote the sacred feminine. I do not feel that one sex is any better than the other but as I grew up I realised that the masculine in our society in some places appeared more revered than that of the feminine and so this need is to basically to balance things up from my own perspective. Even in this day and age I still see that a vast number of different types of people that prefer male babies, revere masculine ideals, follow chauvinistic concepts such as the woman's place is in the home & that a man has a "right" to have sex with every woman when he does not. I find this revolting, I always have done & it is difficult to accept. This transgression against the feminine can go from mass rape & murder of women and children to abuse in religion to controlling what women wear & do.
There have been many different reports regarding the abuse of children and women in certain religions, it is not just one religion & it is a repulsive reminder that many people use the Church for their own personal power. The reason these people do is deplorable and never anything to do with any of the spiritual tenets. It astonishes & horrifies me how religious organistions harbour criminals, silencing the already-scared victims & appear to whole-heartily support the offender. This behaviour is inexcusable but still it seems to continue as if it is "normal."
Regarding what clothes women and girls wear, many people would think of the Burka worn by Muslim women which may be worn either by the woman's or by male choice. However, this level of control is also applicable in the west & there have been some reports of girls at college being excluded for what they have worn rather than boys being taught that it is their responsibility to control their sexual urges. A woman should be able to wear what she wants, it should not matter to the male sex because self-control is all & necessary.
There have been many different reports regarding the abuse of children and women in certain religions, it is not just one religion & it is a repulsive reminder that many people use the Church for their own personal power. The reason these people do is deplorable and never anything to do with any of the spiritual tenets. It astonishes & horrifies me how religious organistions harbour criminals, silencing the already-scared victims & appear to whole-heartily support the offender. This behaviour is inexcusable but still it seems to continue as if it is "normal."
Regarding what clothes women and girls wear, many people would think of the Burka worn by Muslim women which may be worn either by the woman's or by male choice. However, this level of control is also applicable in the west & there have been some reports of girls at college being excluded for what they have worn rather than boys being taught that it is their responsibility to control their sexual urges. A woman should be able to wear what she wants, it should not matter to the male sex because self-control is all & necessary.

Yet "Ownership" can go the other way, In some parts of the USA there are the Purity Balls where a daughter promises her father that she will remain a virgin until she is married and her father promises her that he will protect her mind, body and soul so that she DOES remain chaste. I do not see any teenage males at these affairs, it is all teenage girls and the fact that they are promising their fathers that they will remain chaste until after marriage is not healthy. Again it this is all about control, nobody has the right to call their child or their sexuality a possession, she has a right to explore it under her own terms when that time is right & does Daddy also choose his daughter's husband as well? For a young woman to grow and develop having control over their own sex life is all important. Once she is at an age where sexual intercourse is possible it should be her choice who she sleeps with, not the boy who shows no self-control when viewing her in class or anywhere else, not a controlling & over-protective father and not anyone else.
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Lightbringer Series - Illumination from the Depths - Rebirth Trac Davies© . |
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Lightbringer - Trac Davies© |
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Throughout my life, I have always felt the need to promote the sacred feminine. I do not feel that one sex is any better than the other but as I grew up I realised that the masculine in our society in some places appeared more revered than that of the feminine and so this need is to basically to balance things up from my own perspective. Even in this day and age I still see that a vast number of different types of people that prefer male babies, revere masculine ideals, follow chauvinistic concepts such as the woman's place is in the home & that a man has a "right" to have sex with every woman when he does not. I find this revolting, I always have done & it is difficult to accept. This transgression against the feminine can go from mass rape & murder of women and children to abuse in religion to controlling what women wear & do.