When life hands us too much to deal with all at once.
There are numerous coping techniques to help when we are overwhelmed with stress. There's music, meditation, yoga, exercise, the arts always help. If I'm overwhelmed with events, ramming my earphones on, blasting the music up and letting rip on canvas with a palette knife abstract always helps and tends to blow the cobwebs away.
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Detail of Consilience. Oil on canvas palette knife painting. Trac Davies Spiral Rainbow/l'arc en ciel spirale |
However, occasionally events all tend to happen at once. At the offset we tend to keep going, but as time slices those slippery seconds away into the ether, we realize that those seconds, minutes, hours, days, and then weeks start to move at a pace that we cannot keep up with. Thus as events intensify, we feel as if we are mentally and emotionally swimming in treacle, which eventually turns into the belief that that we're sinking in quicksand. Sooner or later we become overwhelmed and it becomes impossible to continue, apart from doing those things in life that you absolutely have to do. This type of mental quagmire often triggers defence mechanisms and because we become stressed, depressed, feel all alone and totally overwhelmed we also feel that there's no way out. We courageously attempt to plod through it all whilst feeling attacked on every side. At its best, everything we might hear from those around us or read online feels like something that's been fashioned into a weapon against us. Despite these being downright uncomfortable, the arrows which trigger such emotions are an indication of the areas in our psyche where we need healing the most. They point towards the sources of anguish and if we are both brave and self aware of what might be going on with our rawest of emotions, hopefully we will have the wisdom to plunge deeper within and start the process of healing. This takes courage and it is not for the faint hearted. This process is generally known as the dark night of the soul and contrary to belief, it happens more than once in our lifetime and each time it does, we heal faster, or more completely than the time before. At its worst we do not realize that these triggers are pointers for healing and we take offence at everything that we see, hear or experience and we react angrily or aggressively. If we do not do the inner work it is because self awareness has not been triggered alongside of our wounds. This does often happen a couple of times before the realization hits us of what we are going through and what we are supposed to do for ourselves.
Often in life, when we are healing those inner wounds that have hurt the most, we will retreat. We drop everything that we have been doing, we go into a type of suspended animation and withdraw. For all intent and purposes, for those we know online it may well appear that we are functioning but those that truly know us quickly realize that the light might be on but in truth, nobody is home. The inner depths which we have to plumb to realign ourselves with who we truly are takes both time and energy. We continue to do the necessary things in life but there's only so much energy to go around and if you are serious about self healing, you cannot do it all. It often amazes me how some people appear to do such deep psychological and spiritual work on themselves whilst continuing to do everything else. This cannot happen because if you work in this way you will often miss the most important things that need to be faced because you are distracted. This is a lesson we learn the hard way, we can't be taught this by others who have already walked this path because everyone has different internal cut-off points where we automatically just drop everything. It's also about being ready to face those demons head on and give them the biggest internal hug that you can and love them for what they are.
There are three sides to a coin. The first side, which dominates us whilst we are in this situation is our inner demon, an angel that cannot take anymore and is now seriously hurt and full to the brim of toxic anger but with the capacity to love deeply. If this side is prominent, self-love is all important. The other side is the healed angel, with their demonic side held in check who is full of loving light-energy, one who is no longer vulnerable and can protect themselves, humility is an important if this side dominates the psyche. However, the coin is held together by the coin's edge, this too has a name, humanity and this is what balances us up and helps most of all with reconciliation of the two opposing sides. We are humans but within soul, psyche and heart we hold an enormous amount of power to heal ourselves. Once this has been completed we can help others but we have to be up to that task both ready and willing. Being able to help other people get everything in balance means that you have to be balanced yourself.
Please be patient, I'm rebranding. Thank you.
My work can also be viewed at:
https://www.etsy.com/shop/TracDaviesArtisthttp://www.redbubble.com/people/tracdavieshttp://tracdavies.deviantart.com/http://www.zazzle.co.uk/tracdaviesartisthttps://www.facebook.com/TracDaviesArtisthttps://twitter.com/tracdavieshttps://www.instagram.com/tracdaviesTrac Davies - Artist ©