The Gateway, Lives within Lives and how to find Inner Calm.
When I paint for others, I try to reflect something that reflects the life of the person or people. The couple that requested this commission did so some time ago and this is an earlier painting. At the time, they lived in more than one world; they were extremely busy but when they could, they have as much calm time as possible.
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The Gateway- Trac Davies© |
Here we see a sunrise over a choppy sea, but the waves stop at an archway and within that archway the environment is very different, depicting two different lives. Here it is tranquil, the sea within is calm and a mountain resides within. A full-moon has risen but a solar eclipse is taking place, which shows important change and beauty. A female being stands, with wings outstretched on this mountain - I have left the viewer to decide what she is and which way she is facing as people see this part of the painting differently, as I do on a daily basis. The mountain reflects of different elements of Gaia and this mountain is reflected by the sea.
However, when one turns the painting around to look at the reflection, it is seen differently. What looks like a fish in the upright position is actually another rising sun elsewhere and the being on top of the mountain is different, being masculine for a start, indicating balance between the two people.
The upright view of the painting feels calm, despite the outer choppy seas and the solar eclipse but the reverse is different, although it is reflected in the calm sea, viewers feel the being has an entirely different energy, which is not as calm.
This painting reflects worlds within worlds, with its different energy forms and this reflects the lives of the lovely couple that commissioned me to paint The Gateway.
When I painted this, the couple in question were living two lives, for they were living in both the UK and France and were back and forth over the water many times over the year. They both yearned for calm, because their lives were frantically busy and still are, although more settled.
I find that this holds true for many people, what appears on the surface to be one life is often a myriad of different lives within one life. In addition, people do generally try to go forwards into the future, but as the figure on-top of the mountain shows, whichever way she is facing it can show forwards or back. As we look forwards, so we look back, whether this is of a conscious decision to view that past or not. Whatever we decide to do, we go by past experiences, often this shore us along the way, helps us with our decisions in the future, such as with this couple, they have no fear, they face the future with bravery and will decide whatever is right for them, nothing will hold them back from what needs to be done.
This holds true even now, for things have changed for them many times over the years since I painted this, the decisions that they have made, over those years, have been right for them at the time. Nobody said it was going to be easy and it hasn't been but the ways forwards have been right and true. That is all that many of us want over our own lifetime, integrity, honesty, truth and living a life that is right for you and it is by doing this, that inner calm can be found.
For Hayley and Jon. It'll be reyt!
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Trac Davies - Artist ©