Exposition - 12 Juillet 2016, à la Mediathèque d'Allaire, Morbihan, France.
I am a great one for pontificating about my work online. I can converse via facebook, my websites or my blogs what my work means to me & what some of it is about. However, I am not a great one for public speaking and actually hate doing it. I am more of a hermit than anything else & unless I have a song or a script in hand, I generally go all to pieces.
Yet I have bitten the bullet, I have an exhibition in our local Médiathèque for the whole of July, with an Art'Apéro on the 12th July. This means that not only do I have to stand there, feeling nervous and stupid and stammer about my work, I have to do it in French. So I will be able to go all to pieces not only in one language but two!
The 22 paintings for this event have already been chosen, I asked Brigitte & Jocelyne from the Médiathèque to come over and choose because my printer died and it was actually easier that they physically viewed all of the paintings to make their decision about what was suitable & what wasn't.
Photos were taken of the chosen paintings but I wasn't expecting a photo-shoot of myself with a the Colliding Worlds - The Silent Scream painting. So, there I was, camera shy, looking like I had been dragged through a hedge backwards - which is normal for me, flushed and covered in cobwebs, having a photo taken for what I thought was the local magazine. Thankfully they did this & not the press but it was a nerve-wracking experience & not one I enjoyed.
I didn't realise that this photo would be going into Ouest France as well & I do wish I looked a bit more like an artist that hadn't met the hedge!
Anyway, the Art'Apéro evening will be on the 12th July 2016, which is Tuesday, next week. I am nervous but I am looking forwards to it.
I would like to thank both Brigitte Hascöet and Jocelyne Launay-Bacon from La Médiathèque d'Allaire for all their hard work, for everything that they have done & for putting up with me wittering away in very bad French!
Here are the links for Ouest France & for Vivre à Allaire n°54 Avril 2016.
Trac Davies - Artist ©