Emotions - Painting for Inner Peace.
The problem with being creative is that you hold within you the dual blessing and curse of seeing the world from a perspective that many other people just can't see or understand. If allowed, any form of artistic endeavour can be a mine-field & can often blow up in your face, leaving the ego and heart, tattered & sore. Art is so subjective, not everyone admires the same creations, or the thought-processes behind them, which is just as well because then there is enough room for us all to create and show our work, content in the knowledge that someone out there will have an opinion over it, whether positive or negative.
There is a school of thought that believe that any negative emotion is downright bad for people. They believe we as humans should float around in clouds of good feelings & be immersed permanently in light and love. This is actually fine, as long as one faces the darkness within, feelings that are dredged up and shaped by our own egos. The danger is that if someone does not face their fears, anger, rejections, disappointments, failures and so on, they do not face the inner child who is having a real temper-tantrum or bawling their eyes out because they have in some way been hurt. The damage that arises from these terrible feelings can actually turn really toxic if not addressed & cause huge problems.
Shamanic Waves - Rage. -Trac Davies© |
We all do this to a certain degree so it is a process that must be dealt with daily, bottled hurts do no good and can get blown out of proportion if allowed to. For example, there are the disappointments we deal with at some stage in our life regarding work, promotion or a pay rise. When it occurs, it comes as a blow but we may think to ourselves; I will deal with these feelings later but I don't have time right now. However, for some reason this task may be pushed aside, predominately because that person does not want to examine the situation and the pain that it caused. If these negative feelings that arise from rejection are not dealt with right away, there will be growing resentment and anger regarding certain individuals from the situation, e.g. the person who DID get the promotion and the boss. Eventually this resentment may lead to a huge argument or something worse, something sly and evil that slithers from the wounded ego. The results just may lead to the downfall of everyone, including & especially the person that felt injured in the first place and all because they didn't deal with how they felt in the first place.
As an artist, many aspects of our psyche really interest me, I love the sides of a person that holds goodness and beauty but I have healthy respect for our darker side. When the dark side of people is discussed, a lot of people don't always believe that they have one. All of us do but it isn't in a evil villain sense, it does not always mean that someone wants to become a criminal mastermind or a mass-murderer. What this means is that for a person to be balanced and whole, they cannot be a total saint, there has to be equilibrium and denying to yourself that you feel baser feelings and instincts actually can make a person really ill.
Sometimes, when I have been hurt or upset, when those deep feelings threaten to overwhelm me so that I feel that may be just a little too much to handle, I paint them. Yet I don't only paint my own feelings, I sometimes I paint the intensity of emotion of someone that is close to me, I paint their pain as it overwhelms them and sometimes overpowers me. It is easy to be subjective of a person's anguish unless you have a connection or are close to them. When pain hits and hits hard, it can threaten everyone in its path, rather than react to something that is really not my issue, I will paint it instead, this helps me keep my own equilibrium & stops me from being absorbed in their pain and the circumstances surrounding it.
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Shamanic Waves - Betrayal. - Trac Davies© |
I usually paint these emotions in an abstract form, intense feelings are easier to get onto the canvas in that way. I let it all out, good & bad, sunshine and rain, the whole lot, however dark & deep. This is a process that is actually rather therapeutic but when it comes to my own emotions, sometimes painting what I have felt at the time is really hard and I struggle to convey those feelings, I hesitate about how I want to paint everything that I have felt. When this happens, I have to walk away, think about it from both my and an abstract point of view. it usually means there is something that I have not as yet looked at in the right way, so recreating those emotions as a painting it helps me see it all the more clearly and then once it is painted I can move on in all ways.
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Colliding Worlds - The Silent Scream. - Trac Davies© |
Painting the negative, yet very powerful emotions helps me put everything into perspective, which is required for inner peace. You cannot be at one with yourself or the peace within until you have dredged the deepest and darkest depths of your own psyche. This takes courage but facing the negative aspects of yourself is absolutely imperative for personal growth.
Trac Davies - Artist ©